Monday, December 10, 2007

Curious George 2 year old Birthday Party

Can I even begin to tell you how excited I was for Henry's Birthday Party. Henry had no idea what was about to hit him....but boy did he have fun. We had a curious George Birthday party for Henry because he is our little monkey. He is constantly climbing, swinging, jumping, and moving objects to get to what he NEEDS!! All of the kids colored on the wall(construction paperwas covering the wall), made monkey mask, pinned the butterfly on George, ate pizza, salad, bannana splits, and cup cakes. But the best part of the evening was the inspired dance party that Audrey started with all of the kids....(Henry of course was the DJ...he takes after his father). They had a blast! Thank You Natalie Wilson for all of the ideas!

Sorry the pictures are a little blurry...I had the settings wrong on our camera!